Explore the playbook

Don’t forget to Kickoff your project, epic or feature.

Don’t forget to Kickoff your project, epic or feature.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of quarter end and roadmaps being due its hard to remember all the great “plays” that you once used to make sure work gets done well and today I was reminded of just that. Now it seems so simple to those on the outside looking in, to stop and take a breadth and DO THE KICK OFF CALL, but it often gets over looked because you are running towards the next great milestone, the next great release, and the next high high or disproven hypothesis that you and your team are chasing.

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The Ultimate Product Manager Pitfall: Ignoring Market Research Can Cost You Big!

The Ultimate Product Manager Pitfall: Ignoring Market Research Can Cost You Big!

Number one Mistake to avoid making as a product manager is Neglecting market research!

Now I know that between building, designing and managing things it can be really hard but the one thing to prioritize of all these things is your research!

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Unlocking Productivity: How to set Effective Context for a 10x Team Performance Boost

Unlocking Productivity: How to set Effective Context for a 10x Team Performance Boost

When team members understand the user perspective and can make informed decisions autonomously, it significantly reduces the need for constant oversight. This, in turn, allows me to focus more on future discovery and strategic aspects of the work, rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day details. In this blog post, I'll share insights into why context matters and guide you through the process of running a workshop to set the context effectively.

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Unlocking the Power of Assumption Busting: Navigating Priorities with Confidence

Unlocking the Power of Assumption Busting: Navigating Priorities with Confidence

Assumptions—those sneaky culprits that often lead us down the treacherous path of uncertainty. As the saying goes, "To assume makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me.'" In the realm of product development, it's crucial to prove or disprove assumptions to make informed decisions. But what if you're drowning in a sea of assumptions, a predicament all too familiar for startups searching for their product-market fit? Fear not; our Excessive Assumption-Busting Workshop is here to guide you. We'll show you how to pinpoint your riskiest and most uncertain assumptions, providing the clarity and direction you need to make strategic bets.

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